Located near West Coast Park, NewLife confinement center is surrounded by the lush greeneries and bright flowers, and away from city’s hustle and bustle, here at our modern hotel-style confinement room, mummy and their baby will experience their confinement month just like staycation with peace and privacy.
With One room assigned one professional nanny, we are taking care of maternal mummy and new-born baby to a deeper level.
The Package provides you the services starting from confinement month to postpartum rehabilitation.
Enquiry now our package to get the details to free your mind and save your precious time for the confinement chores!
新生命月子会所临近西海岸公园,四周绿树成荫,花草鲜明,远离城市喧嚣, 月子房为现代式酒店风格,幽静隐秘,让产后妈妈和宝宝在月子里如度假一般轻松愉悦,并享有高度隐私。
配套包括从坐月子到产后康复等项目,现在就来咨询我们的配套,不要再为你的坐月琐事而感到 烦恼,为你节省宝贵时间!
The following programs will be charged additionally(以下项目欲做需另付费)
The Reason For Choosing NewLife Confinement Nanny